Suggested Music
We maintain a weekly playlist including publicly available versions of upcoming congregational worship songs, songs related to the coming Sunday's sermon/bible passages, and occasional songs that we'll be introducing soon to the church. You will find this playlist on both Spotify and Amazon Music. Let us know if your music service is not included, and we will try to get it added.
Suggested Podcasts
A podcast is similar to on-demand talk radio. You can pick both the show & the episode you want to listen to. With podcast listening, you also have the choice to chose the streaming application you want to listen through. We are linking to some of our favorite podcasts. Please note: we might not agree with every view represented here, but we do pray that you find these podcasts to be challenging, edifying, & a benefit to your Christian walk.
Costs & Dates: $105.
How to register: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER! Get signed up today. Share with your friends. Online Only!
Ages: This is open to students who will be completing grades 3rd to 6th in May of 2025. Students who do not attend Kids Quest need approval to attend.
If you have questions, text or call Joelle, Beverly, or Pastor Phil.
Verse: “He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—”
Band: Cherokee Hills Baptist Church Worship Band
Speaker: Pastor Taylor Garmon, Sagamore Baptist Church, Arlington, TX
Dates: May 28th - May 31st
What is ACC?
The Associational Children's Camp of Oklahoma is a collaborative effort between many Oklahoma Baptist associations to provide young students (having completed 3rd-6th grade) a meaningful, faith-building Christian camp experience at the iconic Falls Creek Conference Center each summer.
Costs & Dates: $175. July 14th to 19th, 2025. $150 if you are a regular attendee of FBC Youth.
How to register: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER! Get signed up today. Share with your friends.
Ages: You must have completed the 6th grade to go. Covington-Douglas Class of 2024 students are welcome to attend. So roughly 7th to 12th graders. If you have questions, text or call Laura, Gloire, or Pastor Phil.
Theme: LEVEL UP!
Verse: “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” James 4:10
We often think of spiritual growth as production and miss the fact that growth in the Christian life starts with and is dependent upon God’s work more than our effort. We think the answer is to work hard, to become disciplined, to fight when to level up, we must first become less. This isn’t easy and doesn’t come naturally.
This summer we will walk through James 4 and look at the attitudes with which we pursue a life of spiritual discipline in Christ. As believers, we are to take the posture of:
SACRIFICE: Contentment in Christ
SUBMISSION: Submission to God
SELFLESSNESS: Unity with Others
SURRENDER: Surrender to the Lord
RightNow Media
Right Now Media is a customizable video bible study library for every person in our church. It is packed with shows for Christians, both new and old. Here you will find theological lectures, handouts, printables, leader guides, & more. There is everything from small group bible studies, conferences, & even marriage and family studies that are legitimate top-notch resources. Your children are invited as well! FBC kids will find over 2,000 episodes just for them! Enjoy Bible-based kids’ shows and family devotionals that are both entertaining and safe for everyone.
We pay for your subscription already, and you can install this application on your phone, tablet, streaming device, or access it through your home computer. To register for these FREE services, simply click the button below. Feel free to share this with your friends! If you need assistance setting up an account, adding this application, or troubleshooting issues you might have, you are encouraged to email the church at
Email Newsletter
Sign-up today for our FBC Covington email newsletter that is sent out through MailChimp. There is no cost, no spam, and we will send you semi-regular updates, email devotionals, and perhaps a few other interesting observations from time to time.
Recommended Reading
In addition to the Bible, good books can work to grow and strengthen our faith. Consider checking out a few of these resources:
On the Bible/Reading the Bible:
Gordon Fee & Douglas Stewart, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth
Howard Hendricks, Living by the Book
Craig Blomberg, The Historical Reliability of the Gospels
Mortimer J. Adler & Charles Van Doren, How to Read a Book
On the Cross/Resurrection:
Matt Chandler, The Explicit Gospel
J.I.Packer and Mark Dever, In My Place Condemned He Stood
John Stott, The Cross of Christ
N.T.Wright, Surprised by Hope
Tim Keller, The Reason for God On Church
Bruce Shelly, Church History in Plain Language
Mark Noll, Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity
On Change, Transformation, and Progressive Sanctification
Paul Tripp and Timothy Lane, How People Change
Tim Keller, Counterfeit God's
On Faith and Culture:
H. Richard Niebuhr, Christ and Culture
Andy Crouch, Culture-Making: Recovering our Creative Calling
Philip Bess, Till We Have Built Jerusalem
Personal/Family Devotional:
Sally Lloyd-Jones, The Jesus Storybook Bible
Richard J. Foster, Devotional Classics
Marty Machowski, Long Story Short
C.S.Lewis, Mere Christianity
C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
Upcoming Events
Here you will find our updated FBC Church Calendar. Please note, due to our community involvement and having so many church families with children attending Covington-Douglas Schools, we have adjusted our calendar to reflect their scheduled events as well. Send your calendar updates to we’ll add them!
Internet Links
Bible Study & Reference Tools:
The Gospel Coalition
Bible Project Videos & Podcast
The Net Bible
Desiring God - John Piper
Christianity Today Magazine
e-Sword Software
Southern Baptist Websites:
Southern Baptist Convention
Baptist Faith and Message
North American Mission Board
International Mission Board
Baptist Messenger
Listen to The House FM
Arts and Faith Top 100 Films
Links for Issues in the Christian Life:
Focus on the Family
Dave Ramsey - Financial Peace
Youth: Skopos!
International Ministries:
Samaritian's Purse - Operation Christmas Child
Compassion International
International Justice Mission
Shopping for Christian Resources: