Perhaps you were not aware, but every Sunday morning FBC Worship Service is LIVE-streamed to the whole world. Not only can you hear the amazing worship team, weekly announcements, and the pastor’s sermon, but you can also check in on friends and family through the bird's eye view. Thank you so much for joining us!


If our LIVE STREAM is roaring, you will see it here! Services usually begin around 10:45am on Sunday!

Our prayer is that the Spirit of the Living God would move through these services! We do hope to see you at our in-person service soon.

Even the Demons Believe. James 2 & Matthew 25.

FBC Youth Minister Gloire Houmba delivers a sermon from James 2, reminding us of James’ clear calling of repentance. In this sermon Gloire speaks to the doctrine of justification by faith, and he also makes it clear that when God moves in a person’s life, things should change! As it is written, “Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.”

Wide Arms and Perfect Patience. Luke 13:34

Luke 13:34 reads, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!” Isn’t it amazing to think about this ridiculous love of God? Between this verse and The Parable of the Wicked Tenants, this begins to paint quite the picture of our God’s wide arms & perfect patience.

Giving as a Wandering Aramean. Deut. 26:1-11.

Generosity is best served with a heart of gratitude, and in this fascinating section of scripture from Deuteronomy 26:1-11, we see God reminding us of our stories! God has brought so many of you through so much, and even if you do not see yourself as living in the “land of milk and honey”, we are reminded of what we have been given through the good news of the gospel! In fact, the gospel and generosity go hand-in-hand.

Forgiveness is Hard. Genesis 37-50.

Jesus asks us to do hard things. We find many things to be more difficult as we are caught up in culture's rejection of the virtues that our Lord has called us to embody. From meekness to compassion, from loving our enemies to the act of forgiveness, it seems that many Christians are known these days, not for "our love for one another", but instead for "the grudges we hold." Do you struggle to forgive? Many of us have been hurt in very real ways, and we are asking that God helps you to forgive.

Sabbath and The Year of Jubilee.

What does it mean that Jesus is setting the oppressed free, and that he is “proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favor” when he reads from the scroll in Luke 4? This is none other than the awaited Year of Jubilee, when debts were canceled, slaves set free, and the great economic reset takes place, with even land being returned to its original family ownership. How is this being done in the lives of Jesus’s followers? Do listen!

Marvin Powell Celebration of Life Service at FBC

To the Powell family, it was an honor to get to serve you today! We will sure miss having Marvin around our church and the nearby communities. He lived a special life, and was a beloved husband, father, and grandfather. We are especially grateful for the promises of Jesus that sustain us on days of grief and loss. The good news of our gospel brings a clear and certain hope for those that are God’s children! Thank you God for Marvin!

Restoring Sight to the Blind, Part 2. Matthew 23.

Jesus proclaims that he has come to "restore sight to the blind." We see him doing this both physically and spiritually. We believe that he has come to "open the eyes" of so many of us, through the good news of the Gospel. In Matthew 23, we find Jesus's longest message against spiritual blindness. In this sermon, a continuation of last weeks, we see Jesus warning those who are clean "on the outside only." Do listen to these words of Jesus!

Jerry Knouse Memorial Service.

Our beloved community member, Jerry Knouse, will be missed by so many! We thank God for not just Jerry’s life, but for the way that he lived it. God’s promises make these had days so much easier. We encourage you to be praying for Jerry’s family, friends, and community. The written transcript of the first part of the service is available by request.

Restoring Sight to the Blind, Part 1. Matthew 23.

Jesus, in Matthew 23, gives seven “woes” to the Pharisees and religious leaders of his day, warning them against their misguided views, religious stubbornness, and outright spiritual “blindness.” This idea of blindness is not new, and many of the biblical writers use this language to describe a people that honor God with their lips, but their hearts seem so far from Him. How can we go about fixing this blindness? What can be done?

Setting the Captives Free. Luke 4 & Romans 6:1-16.

Of course, God’s people in the Old Testament were free, but even in the midst of their freedom, they longed to go back into slavery. They didn’t always find themselves living like free people! The same is true for us. As Keller says, there are “layers to our bondage.” How do we go about finding deeper levels of freedom? We begin this week in Romans 6, looking at Paul’s language to believers that were free, new, alive…yet still wrestling with their old wants, needs, and desires! Need help? Do listen!

Scroll Unrolled, Good News to the Poor Proclaimed.

Perhaps you remember the story. Jesus goes into the synagogue, stood up to read, and found the place where it is written: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor…..” Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. He began by saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” How does Jesus bring good news to the poor? Do listen!

Finding Our Identity in Christ. Round 2. Isaiah 62.

A new birth, a new family, and a new name. This is part of what God is doing, with glimpses of this in both the Old and New Testaments. This is part of what it means to have a new identity, something that is declared and gifted to you, and nothing that you earn. But it doesn’t end there! Those in Christ are also described as “married”, “the bride of Christ”, and “his delight.” How can this be? Hear the powerful news of what is coming from Isaiah 62. Good news for them and good news for us!

Finding Our Identity in Christ. Isaiah 43:1-7.

Babylonian exile, God’s people scattered, a burnt temple, and Jerusalem destroyed. These all coming after God’s people had yet again dropped the ball, sinned, failed to listen, and had shown their spiritual blindness. But then, as the page turns, we find the Isaiah 47 news that should ground them, root them, and give them an unshakeable foundation. “You are mine. I made you. I have redeemed you. I love you.” These truths make everything different.

The Incredible Shrinking Christian. Psalm 8. 1/5/25.

For those that braved the snow and ice, we were treated to Psalm 8. In this text, our eyes are cast upward to the vast expense of the heavens (God’s finger-work), awe comes, and it leaves us feeling quite small. This can be good for us, but it can also leave us feeling insignificant. Not so, says our God! “Who are you, that you would be mindful of me?”, asks the Psalmist. To those feeling alone, insignificant, or struggling, we do invite you to listen to this powerful Psalm.

The Long Shadow of a Tiny Missionary Giant

In 2018, David Platt delivered a message titled, Lottie Moon: The Long Shadow of a Tiny Missionary Giant. This was at the 2018 SBC Annual Meeting. This powerful message was loved by Pastor Phillip, and this is the second time he has read David Platt’s message. It is a beautiful telling of Lottie Moon’s life, reminding us of the important work that she did, and the work we are called to be a part of! Thank you for giving to missions!

2024 Christmas Program! Thank you kids!

Thank you to the parents, kids, Sunday School teachers, and of course to the 115+ people in attendance! It was a wonderful Sunday, as we watched the little ones do their thing! Of course, thank YOU GOD - most of all, for sending Jesus into the world! Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year. We should all be thankful that GOD IS WITH US!

Please note: The livestream audio during worship isn’t the best.

Jesus is the Light of the World! Gospel of John.

Being mentioned roughly 18 times in John's gospel, Jesus contrasts the darkness of the world with the "light of dawn" that has broken through at his coming. This light reminds us that the spotlight is upon him, that we are to follow the light (as it lightens up our paths), and lastly, we are reminded that we are a people of forever hope! Do listen to this beautiful message from God's word!

Guest Speaker, Randy Overton, Proverbs & Pride

Of course nobody sees themselves as being prideful, but that is only part of pride that makes it so dangerous. What does God’s word say about wisdom, pride, and just what it looks like to bring God glory in the here and now? Visiting pastor Randy Overton comes to his old home church, First Baptist Church of Covington, and he gives us a wonderful teaching on the proverbs that is full of practical wisdom and simple application. Do listen!

The God Who Speaks. John 18:33-37. Nov. 24, 2024.

“Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice." This is what Jesus says in the Gospel of John, in that all too famous meeting with Pilate. What many do not know is that this theme of “hearing the voice of God” is echoed throughout John’s gospel. Our God has spoken since the opening words in the Bible, and he continues to speak to those that are His. Are you listening? What is he saying? Do you know the sound of His voice?

Wide Right - The Story of God’s People. Nov. 16, 2024.

There is a 30 for 30 ESPN Special that is called The Four Falls of Buffalo, and it is about the Buffalo Bills making it to, and losing, back to back to back to back Superbowls. The kicker that missed the kick in the first Superbowl tells the story from the 28:33 mark, and his story continues for 12 minutes. It is a beautiful story that Pastor Phillip looks at through the lens of Hebrews 10, 11, and 12. If you have Netflix, you are encouraged to watch this segment before listening to the sermon.

Flipping Tables & Tearing Down the Temple. Mark 12.

Jesus has serious issues with things looking good on the outside, but being all nasty on the inside. From the whitewashed tombs, to the polished cups, it seems that the Temple had become a “den of robbers”, and the religious elites were praying upon the windows, the weak, the poor, and the vulnerable. The temple was like the fruitless fig tree, looking fruitful from a distance, but being of no good. Jesus changes everything. Do listen to this sermon from Mark 12:38-44.

Dead as Dead as Dead. Colossians 2:13-15.

Paul writes of our condition before Christ acted, describing the following: "When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ.” What are the implications of our deadness, and how should this change we see God’s action on our behalf? Do listen to this sermon on Colossians 2:13-15.

Keeping It Simple: The Healing of Bartimaeus.

Sometimes we make the methods given to us in the Bible far too difficult. In today's message from Mark 10:46-52, we see the beauty of a simple invite, the power of a simple prayer, and the devotion of a newfound follower. The truth is, these simple truths are often neglected, yet they are so essential! Do listen to the exposition of this powerful text!

No More Mr. Nice Guy. Mark 10:35-42. 10/20/24.

In Mark 10:35-42, the disciples finally get the courage to ask for whatever they wish, and they request to sit at the right and left hand of Jesus! The other disciples seem to be a bit upset that they were beat to the punch, and Jesus’ response includes words that are much needed in the heart of every believer! “It is not to be so among you”, is what he speaks to those who desire to rule with power, heavy-handed leadership, or force. We are called to rule in a different way: through service to all.

On the Power of Words. James 3:1-12.

James 3:1-12 is a powerful set of verses that help us in understanding the power of words. Our words are compared to a ship’s rudder or even a match that can set an entire forest on fire. But we aren’t talking about ships and forests here, we are talking about people. Your words have the power to shape lives, to point people to Jesus, & to save lives! Do listen to this simple set of passages that remind us of these much-needed truths.

Only the Foreigner Returned. Gloire Houmba.

In this amazing sermon on Luke 17:11-19, guest speaker and youth minister, Gloire Houmba, shares his heart of gratitude. Although other emotions often creep in, Jesus in this text ponders on the topic of gratitude, wondering why only the foreigner returned to give thanks for his healing. Do you find yourself thankful for what you have? What do you find stirs your gratitude? Do listen to this powerful sermon, especially if you are from the Covington area.

A Very Screwtape Holidays. Phil 2:5-11. Dec. 10, 2023.

In this sermon, Chapter 2 of CS Lewis’ Screwtape Letters, is lined up with with Phil 2:5-11. We see just how hard it can be for us to love each other. Of course it is hard to overcome the shallow-differences, but love becomes even more difficult as we grow in our awareness of people’s sins. Thank God that His love comes freely, without restraint, and that salvation comes FREELY, as a gift. Oh, to remind ourselves of this truth a million times over.

An End Times Christmas. Mark 13:23-37. Dec. 3, 2023.

Of course “end times sermons” usually emphasize negative events that come with judgment, but the truth is that there will also be much beauty before us. When Jesus returns, He will get the glory that He deserves, the elect will be gathered from the corners of the world, and more. Isn’t it amazing how this almost seems to fit the season, as we find Him getting the glory, people find themselves in the season of “gathering”, and as we prepare to be ready! Do listen to this beautiful look at what is to come!

Guest Speaker Randy Overton Preaches on Malachi

Are you a fan of leftovers, or would you rather have things right off the grill? Better yet, can you imagine someone famous coming over to your house…and you serving them leftovers? Of course we would never do that, but why do we often give God our second best? We bump all sorts of things above God on the priority scale, and that is a clear reflection of not just our attitudes, but of our hearts. God not only desires our best, but he deserves it! Do listen to this challenging message from Randy!

Jesus' Friendship Test. John 15:12-17. June 25, 2023.

Perhaps you remember those Teen Magazine surveys, and the 10 question test that lets you know "If you make a good best friend." Of course, Jesus isn't giving a fill-in-the-circle friendship test, but in John 15:12-17, He is giving insight into what makes him different. And he is calling us to follow him into the depths of real relationships with others.

Baby Christians & Tribal Righteousness. 1 Corinthians 3. Feb. 12, 2023.

What does Christian maturity look like? In 1 Corinthians 3:1-9, Paul speaks to these individuals about their childlike behavior. Oddly enough, we find ourselves falling into the same old traps, clinging to the same old things, looking to a righteousness other than Christ, growing jealous about material possessions, and the like. Maturity is often slow, but it is possible, and it comes when God’s people partner together as a team.

Cretans, lairs? Gentiles, in Darkness? Eph. 3:1-12. Jan. 8, 2022.

Epimenides was a classical philosopher and poet from Crete. He wrote once that “all Cretans are liars,” a line that Paul quotes in Titus 1:12. What? I mean, are they all that bad? What about the Holy Scriptures that describe Jesus coming to a people that are " in darkness"? Could the Gentiles really be that bad off? Yeah, they were, and to the surprise of all, God offered them the mystery of grace and mercy. Listen to this sermon on Eph 3:1-12.

Jacob: Walking Home with a Limp. Oct. 16, 2022.

Before Jacob wrestles with God in Genesis 32, we find him in the midst of a homecoming story that seems a bit unforgettable! After stealing his brother's blessing and taking his birthright, he follows his mom's advice and stays away for years. Now he is ready to come home, and he comes bearing gifts! What does this make-up story tell us about God's? What do we bring when we come home? And why does God send him away with a limp? It has something to do with grace!

You Are Not Your Own. Alan Noble. Sept. 18, 2022.

Guest speak Dr. Alan Noble visited FBC Covington. He gave a wonderful lecture from Acts 19:23-41, asking the question, “Why doesn’t the gospel upset people today?” Do you actually have to give up anything to be a Christian in our country? Are we asking them to? Dr. Noble leaves us with the unsettling words, “You are not your own.” These words center our hearts and minds, lead us to repentance, and so much more! Do listen!

Learning to Win Well. Seth McDevitt. June 26.

As God’s people marched around the walls of Jericho, they gained victory by God’s mighty hand. We see this story in Joshua 6:1-27. Today Christians find themselves victoriously celebrating “their win”, but both how victory came and how we respond matters. Listen to guest speaker Seth McDevitt’s challenging words!

Silence the Gatekeepers! Luke 18:9-19:10. June 5.

In this sermon we read the famous story of Zacchaeus in the context of Luke's words in chapter 18. How does Zacchaeus' story fit into the greater narrative of the the pharisee and the tax collector, or even Jesus' welcoming the children? In this sermon we see that God's mercy is deep, and that His mercy is wide! Oh Church, please let those needing mercy find God’s grace and love! Don’t keep them away! Luke 18:9-19:10.

Yes, This New Wine is Better. April 18, 2021.

Wineskins and old patches. What a difficult passage for a people who knows so little about wine and patching clothing, yet Luke 5:33-39 is unbelievably relevant for a people of grace! Jesus seems to be saying that there are systems & ways of thinking that are just not compatible with each other!


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Click the link to view the digital archives!


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